Whether you write music for contemporary dance or classical ballet, there is no question that a tonic scale is a basic element of the tonal center. In addition to its importance as a foundation of melody, the tonic scale also connects you directly to the musical storytelling you are creating. Using a tonic scale in your music can help you create musical places that are evocative and exciting, helping you move through the creative process in a satisfying manner.
The tonic triad is composed of scale degrees 1, 3, and 5. The scale degrees are all related to each other and can be used in the same progression. The dominant triad is also used in progressions, but it tends to precede the tonic. In addition to resolving to the tonic, the dominant can act as a secondary dominant and subdominant. A secondary dominant is just the dominant of a note other than the tonic, and a subdominant is the note directly below the dominant. It is also important to recognize that a subdominant function does not have to be a full subdominant chord. It can be implied in the music or used to prolong phrases.
The tonic triad is the center of gravity of harmony. This is because it contains the notes that are the root, the leading tone, and the scale degree. This makes it a very important component of the tonal center, but it does not have to be particularly harmonic. In fact, it may be one of the most unharmonious notes in a scale.
The tonic scale degree is the first degree of the scale, and it is usually the root of the scale. This is also called the final degree of the scale, because all other notes want to resolve to it. The tonic triad is also the root of a melody. In other scales, the root may be replaced by a note that is lower in pitch, such as the seventh degree. This is the case with the tonic triad in the minor scale.
The scale degree 2 is the second degree of the scale. This is the step above the tonic, but it is also a note that is not particularly stable. It can be used as a secondary dominant, a substitute for a subdominant, or as a leading tone. It can also act as a mediant, which is a note that is half a step above the tonic and hears with respect to it. It is a relatively stable chord, but it does not have the same exotic feel as a tonic.
The scale degree 7 is the leading tone. It is also part of the 5 7 2 dominant triad, and it is the most unstable note in the scale. The scale degree 3 is a mediant note, and it is often used as a helper tone for the dominant. It is sometimes referred to as a super tonic.
Whether you are writing a melody, a choral work, or a musical drama, the tonic is one of the most important notes in a piece. It can also be used as a way to leave the storyline open. When a melody is finished, the tonic is the last note in the melody, and is usually the final note of the phrase. It is also the climax of the piece, and a satisfying way to end a chord progression.