How to Control Weight and Maintain a Balance of Calories in and Out

Controlling weight requires a balance of calories in and out. While some wild birds with unfettered access to food become progressively fatter, others maintain their body weights by carefully controlling their food intake.

People who try to lose weight should clear their kitchens of high-calorie foods and stock their cabinets with diet-friendly foods. Also, keeping food out of sight and arm’s reach will help them resist cravings.

Portion Control

Practicing portion control is an important factor in maintaining a balanced diet and healthy weight. Overeating high-calorie, low-nutrient foods can lead to insulin resistance and increased inflammation, both of which are precursors to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Individuals who practice portion control may also experience healthier blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing their risk for these diseases and others.

Using smaller plates and bowls, measuring food, reading food labels, eating slowly and drinking water before meals can help individuals manage portions. These measures can also prevent overeating by ensuring that the body is properly satiated after each meal.

When deciding on a plate, try to fill 1/2 with nonstarchy vegetables like spinach or broccoli, 1/4 with lean protein, and the other 1/4 with carbs (like brown rice, beans or sweet potatoes). For pre-portioned foods, choose those that are labeled for portion control. These foods can be a great way to introduce new foods to the diet or reduce food waste.

Healthy Fats

Our bodies need fat, which helps with brain function and satiety, absorbs certain vitamins and provides energy. The key is choosing the right fats.

“Healthy” fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in olive, canola, safflower and sunflower oils; avocados; nuts and seeds; and lean meats and fish. They can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Avoiding processed foods and snacking on unsalted nuts, seeds and low-fat yogurt is a good way to increase healthy fats in your diet. But be sure to keep in mind that all fats contain calories, so use them sparingly.

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