The weighing process is used to weigh a product. In order to make sure that you are getting accurate and reliable results, there are several steps that you should follow. Some of these steps include setting a standard for the weighing, placing the scale in a vibration-free environment, and calibrating your equipment.
Weight indicators collect, store and communicate data
A weight indicator is a digital weighing device that converts the output of an electrically driven scale into values. The best ones are robust, versatile and able to be integrated into larger systems. They come in a variety of forms from the bare bones to high end, high fidelity digital or analog options. This includes indicators from industry leaders like METTLER TOLEDO, Avery Weigh-Tronix and SME. You’ll also find a number of low cost manufacturers churning out quality products. In particular, INDUS Scale Technologies stands out as a manufacturer whose multi-function weighing indicators are a cut above the rest.
What’s more, a weight indicator is a surprisingly efficient and cost effective way to enhance the efficiency of your weighing process. From measuring to storing to displaying and communicating the metric weights, they can be programmed to perform the tasks required in a fraction of the time it takes to get your hands dirty with a manual weighing solution.
Set weight standards for samples
One of the most important activities in a QC lab is weighing samples. Errors can cause miscalculations and ultimately lead to inaccurate results. The best practice is to follow standard procedures to ensure a smooth weighing experience for everyone involved.
Depending on the sample, weighing can involve finely divided powders, liquids, or even large solids. Although some of these materials are not as volatile as others, proper handling is still required to avoid errors. For example, a finely divided powder should be weighed using a tweezer and a clean spatula.
An analytical balance is often used to weigh laboratory samples. While a balancing device can help with this task, you’ll need to keep an eye on humidity levels and temperature changes. It’s a good idea to put your balance in a dry room or use a desiccator before transferring the samples.
Identify the primary use of a weighing device
It is important to identify the primary use of a weighing device in the weighing process. This will help you choose a device that is right for your application. The accuracy of a weighing system depends on a number of factors, including the environmental forces surrounding the weighing process and the calibration of the weighing device.
There are a number of different types of weighing devices, including mechanical scales, balances, and load cells. All of these are used to measure mass and force exerted on objects.
Mechanical scales can be used to measure the tension, resistance, and mass of a load. Balances are designed to compare the weight of an unknown sample with a known mass. Some scales also come with a calibration feature, which allows them to read in units of force.
Calibration of weighing equipment
When using weighing equipment, it is necessary to calibrate it frequently. This will ensure that it is linear across its working range. In some cases, it can help identify balance faults before they cause issues with the weighing process.
A calibration process consists of several tests that measure the accuracy of the weighing instrument. These include the weighing test, the repeatability test and the 80% capacity test.
The weighing test can be performed on a single weight or a series of weights. Typically, 5 to 10 different loads are used.
If the scale is being used in a multi-range setting, the calibrations should be done separately for each range. Calibration can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the readability of the scale.
Placement of scales in a vibration-free environment
To achieve the best weighing results, the scales need to be placed in a vibration-free environment. This is an important step to ensure accuracy. Here are some tips to help you with this process.
Balances need to be calibrated on a regular basis. If you do not calibrate your scales regularly, you could end up with inaccurate weights. The first thing to do is check the condition of the power cable. Look for any nicks or plugs.
It is also important to make sure the balance pan is clean. Dust and debris can cause inaccurate readings. Using a camel hair brush can remove these particles.
For optimal accuracy, it is also important to ensure that your scales are placed in a temperature-controlled environment. Scales are sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity, and air currents. When placing the balance in a warm or cool room, it may experience “creep” – the slightest vibrations that can lead to an inaccurate reading.